Updates from the Office

Good afternoon,
I just thought I would take a few moments to provide some updates regarding school happenings:

  1. We are off to the Adams River RETREAT this Thursday (Grade 12s) and Friday (rest of school). Weather reports are looking amazing! Just a reminder that students need signed parental consent to come on the trip. If your child has lost their form, please ask them to drop by the office another one.
    Click here for more details: ERS THE RETREAT Explanation 2018
  2. ERS clothing orders are due this Friday.  Orders must be paid in full before we will can place them with the supplier. We still have sizing samples in the office.
    Click here for more details: Eagle River Secondary School Order Form 2018 – SCHOOL VERSION
  3. The ERS Cafeteria is up and running. We are selling a variety of lunch opportunities (including pizza sales on Wednesday).  The cafeteria will be open from 12 pm to 12:15 every lunch for sales.Regards.
    Mark Marino – Principal